This project was part of the introduction course in Python coding at KTH during spring 2016. The course consisted of labs, a written exam and one individual project task. I chose the task of implementing a program that validatates carnumbers as well as generates allowed carnumbers.
Since the program should allow the user to read in carnumbers from a file I needed to store the input in a datastructure and for efficiency I chose a binary search tree which I implemented in a separate code file.
The program has a startmenu to allow interaction with the user and you can choose to either generate numbers or control them. If you want to generate numbers the program asks the user to enter how many numbers they wish to generate and to which file they should appear in.
If the user instead choose to control carnumbers they can choose between either control single numbers by just entering them in the terminal or read them from a file. If they choose to read in from file then the control of the numbers are outputted to another textfile with OK or NOT OK written after the number.
Code can be found here